Category: Life Of Christ

  • The Vine and its Branches

    JESUS SAW that his disciples were greatly disturbed at his words, as he spoke of going away to some place where they could not go with him, and leaving them alone among people who were his enemies; especially as he told Peter that he would soon disown his Master, and that all the rest of […]

  • The Last Words of Jesus to His Disciples

    JESUS WENT on giving his last talk with his disciples, in the room after the supper. Among other things, he said : “This is my last command to you. Love one another as I have loved you. No one can give greater proof of love than by laying down his life for his friends. You […]

  • In the Garden of Gethsemane

    DURING THE week of the Passover, while the city of Jerusalem held three or four times as many people as usual, the gates in its walls were kept open day and night, although during most of the year they were closed at sunset. It was near midnight on Thursday when Jesus and his disciples, coming […]

  • The The Baby Brought to the Temple

    ALTHOUGH JESUS was born in a stable and slept in a manger, he did not stay in that place long. After a few days Joseph was able to find a more comfortable home, where the young mother and her baby were taken. The Jews were very kind to strangers of their own people, and welcomed […]

  • Before Annas

    THE MEN who took Jesus as their prisoner were the policemen of the Temple, led by their chief. With them were some of the priests and officers, and a crowd of the lowest people, who had been gathered from the streets by the rulers. All these formed together a noisy and disorderly mob, dragging Jesus […]

  • The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids

    AT THE CLOSE of a long talk with the disciples, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus gave three parables. The first parable was to show that his followers must watch and be ready for his sudden coming. It is “The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids.” “The coming of the Lord in his kingdom,” said Jesus, […]

  • The Parable of the Talents

    THE SECOND of the three parables with which Jesus closed his long talk to his disciples on the Mount of Olives was “The Parable of the Talents.” In some parts it was like “The Parable of the Pounds,” given to the crowd at Jericho only a week before, but in other parts it was different. […]

  • Washing the Disciples Feet

    TUESDAY HAD been a busy day for Jesus, as we have already seen; but Wednesday must have been a quiet day, for none of the four gospels tells us of any events taking place on that day. Jesus knew that in two days more his sufferings were to begin, and he needed Wednesday, his last […]

  • The Lord’s Supper

    WHILE THEY were eating the passover meal, Jesus took a loaf of bread, and holding it in his hand, with his eyes lifted to heaven, spoke a blessing upon it. Then he broke it and gave a piece of it to each of the disciples. As he gave it to them, he said : “Take […]

  • In the Rich Man’s Home at Jerricho

    BUT BLIND Bartimeus was not the only man in Jericho who was eager to meet Jesus. In that city was living a very rich man named Zacceus, who was the head of all the tax collectors in that part of the country. He had heard that Jesus was unlike other Jews, in being friendly toward […]