Category: The Bible
The Bible And The Spread Of Western Civilization
There are three principal spheres for the influence of the Biblethe individual, the social, and the universal. At least it may promote clear thought to distinguish such spheres, although of course they overlap one another and are interdependent. The primary and chief service which the Scriptures render is always a personal one, consisting in the […]
What Is Biblical Criticism?
At least a primary knowledge of the nature and service of biblical criticism is indispensable to a proper understanding of the better conception of Scripture of which we are in pursuit. Therefore, before we can go forward into the larger thought, the deeper faith, and the more vital spirituality which wait to reward our study, […]
The New View Of The Old Testament
Granting the legitimacy and importance of biblical criticism as a large and fruitful branch of modern learning, we are prepared to ascertain the principal results which it has already produced. While its work is by no means finished, and we should therefore be duly cautious about accepting every dictum pronounced in its name, it has […]
The Pentateuch
Naturally we begin with the Pentateuch, popularly known as the “five books of Moses”Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The Jews called them, collectively, the Torah, or, as we should say, the Law ; but the term Pentateuch, meaning “five-fold book,” has prevailed largely since the Septuagint translation (into Greek) was made, about the second […]
Bible – Other Writings
In a similar way we must revise the traditional opinion of many of the other Old Testament books. Limits of space forbid a treatment of all these, and, indeed, allow only the briefest remarks concerning a few of them. The reader who cares to pursue his inquiries further may obtain instruction from some of the […]
The New View Of The New Testament
Seeing that biblical criticism has given us a new and better understanding of the Old Testament, we shall be eager to learn what it has to say about the New Testament. Nor is its word less clear and strong, less instructive and quickening in the latter than in the former. The pages of both sets […]
The Epistles Of Paul
Next to Jesus the principal character that moves before us in the pages of the New Testament is the apostle Paul. Who was he? A brilliant young Jew, a native of Tarsus, a considerable city, in southeastern Asia Minor. His Jewish name was Saul, but its gentile equivalent or substitute was Paul. It is not […]
The Gospels
The four gospels are said to be “according to” Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, respectively. This phrase does not necessarily mean that four persons bearing these names actually wrote these documents as they now stand, although such has been the general belief. It has been further supposed that the first and last of these writers, […]
Use And Abuse Of The Bible In Sunday School
Among the practical problems involved in the new views of the Bible which modern learning compels us to take none is in greater need of serious consideration than the one here propounded. It brings up the whole subject of the moral and religious education of the young, the function of the Sunday school in subserving […]
The Bible In The Public School
Has the Bible a legitimate place in the public school? This question, with its implications, is receiving increasing attention in our country at present. The issues raised by it have been much debated in recent years by able partisans, and judicial students have been seeking some ample common ground on which conflicting claims might be […]