Category: Bible Stories
Samuel And Eli
He was such a pretty little fellow with dancing black eyes and curly head, and he was going on a journey with his parents, Elkanah and Hannah. It was his first journey, and he could hardly wait for them to start. A few hours is a long time to a boy only three years old. […]
The Pot Of Oil
She was very poor, and worse still, she was in debt. All she had was her two sons, and her creditor had told her that unless she paid her debts he would take her boys away from her and make bondmen of them. But she had nothing. What should she do in order to pay […]
Why The Waters Of Jordan?
HEALING OF NAAMAN THE LEPER She was a lonely little girl as she stood in the garden in Damascus. Fruits and flowers were all about her in abundance, the house was beautiful, the people kind, but her young face was sad. The juicy apricot in her hand was untasted as she threw it from her […]
When Hezekiah Went To Church
HEZEKIAH’S PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE Not that it was unusual for Hezekiah to go to church am I telling this story, but because one time when he went into the temple such a wonderful thing came to pass on account of his visit that I feel you should hear about it and enjoy it with me. […]
The Fall Of Jerusalem And The Fiery Furnace
Let us go up today to “The city of the great king.” “Oh, this story is n’t in the beginning time,” I hear some little girl say, “because they did n’t have kings then ! ” No, the beginning time is past and a long, long way behind us. You remember little Benjamin and his […]
At The King’s Table
DANIEL AND THE KING’S OFFICER It was night in Babylon. The soldiers patrolling the walls had called the hour of midnight, and the watchmen in the towers had answered, “All is well.” Even a cock in the distance had saluted this hour of darkness with a lusty crow. It was the time to be at […]
Belshazzar’s Feast
Stories of kings are usually not very interesting, filled as they are with wars and troubles of many kinds. Soldiers, martial music, the roar of cannon, glittering spears, and shining shields in large part make up the history of kings. Velvet and ermine and golden crowns, heartaches and disappointments, instead of joy and gladness, are […]
Jacob’s Dream And A Ladder That Reached The Sky
“I wish I had a ladder that reached the sky. Then I would go up to the top and see what was there.” So said a boy whose eyes sparkled with delight after an evening’s talk and study of the stars. That was many years ago. The boy is a man now, and it may […]
His Little Sister – Miriam And Moses
Two small figures crept cautiously along the banks of the river. The banks were wet and marshy and their bare feet sank into the muddy slime. Splash ! What was that? The girl drew the boy down beside her as she crouched low to hide herself and him among the tall, thick reeds. But it […]
The Turning Back Of Israel From The Promised Land
Have you ever visited a military camp? If you have, and the soldiers had marched for months through dust and heat, often going for days with little or no water, and had just reached a place where water was plentiful and they could pitch their tents and rest, you have seen a camp something like […]