Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Crucifixion

    When, our Lord was thirty years old, He went forth to preach the Gospel. For three years He went about doing good and teaching the people to love God. But He was falsely accused and condemned to death. He was crucified on Mount Calvary between two thieves. Thus, He died to save us from hell […]

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary

    The Blessed Virgin is our Lord’s own true mother. She is very dear to Him, and so she can help us when she prays for us. Our Lord lived with His blessed mother and St. Joseph in Nazareth for thirty years. Now they are united in heaven. We honor the Blessed Virgin Mary because she […]

  • God And The Redemption

    God promised a Redeemer to Adam and Eve after they had fallen into sin. He promised to send His own divine Son to redeem the world from the power of the devil. The prophets foretold that our Saviour would be born of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem. God sent the Angel […]

  • God And Original Sin

    God made man to be happy forever in heaven with Him. All He asked was that man should love Him. He put him on earth so that he could prove his love for God. Of course the only way in which man could show his love for God would be to obey Him. So God […]

  • God And Sin

    Sin is disobedience to God. Any thought, word, or deed contrary to God’s law is sin. Those who commit mortal sin turn away from God ; they lose God’s grace. Those who die in mortal sin go to hell, where they will be separated from God forever. God is always willing to forgive repentant sinners. […]

  • God And The Tenth Commandment

    “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” This life is a preparation for eternal life. God wants us to use the things of this world to help us get to heaven. Riches and earthly pleasures do not make people really happy: We are happy when we love and serve God in this world, for then […]

  • God And The Eighth Commandment

    “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” God gave us a mind to know the truth and the power of speech to express our thoughts. When we use our mind and our faculty of speech properly we tell the truth. God is truth; all truth comes from Him. In the Eighth Commandment God […]

  • God And The Seventh Commandment

    “Thou shalt not steal.” We are all God’s children, so He wants us to live together on earth like brothers and sisters. In the Seventh Commandment God says : “Thou shalt not steal.” By this God tells us to respect the rights of others. We must be honest and just in all our dealings with […]

  • Power

    A LONG part of the course of the Hudson River mills are built and the stream is employed as a source of power. Human force is multiplied many times by the force of the current, and what would be impossible for the physical strength of man is done easily with the assistance of the river. […]

  • God And The Sixth And Ninth Commandments

    “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.” God decides how we are to use all things created. It is thus with our soul and body. God wants us to use them for His service here on earth. Both our body and our soul are destined for eternal life with God. […]

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