Christ Founded The Catholic Church

Forty days after our Lord rose from the dead, He ascended into heaven. Ten days later He sent the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles. Christ founded the Catholic Church to teach all the nations of the world. The Holy Ghost will stay with the Catholic Church until the end of the world to guard it in the truth and to help it teach the people to love and serve God. Our Lord wants all the people in the world to belong to the Catholic Church because it is the only Church that He founded. God sent the Catholic Church to lead people to heaven. God will watch over it until the end of the world.

Perhaps you would like to talk again, children, about our Lord’s resurrection. Tell me all that happened on the third day after our Lord’s death. Tell me how our Lord appeared to the Apostles. Tell me about St. Thomas. What do you think our Lord told the Apostles after He arose from the dead? Whom did He want them to teach? What does our Lord’s resurrection show about our Lord? Why was He able to come back to life? What can our Lord do?

Why can our Lord do all things? Which per-son of the Blessed Trinity is our Lord? By what power did our Lord rise from the dead? What shows best that our Lord was really God? What shows that our Lord was man, too? Why could our Lord die? Where was our Lord’s soul while His body was in the tomb ? Who were in limbo? Why did the just have to wait in limbo? What did our Lord do for them and for us when He died ? Tell me about Easter ; Holy Week ; Holy Thursday ; Good Friday ; Holy Saturday.

How long did our Lord stay on earth after He arose from the dead ? What did He do after forty days ? Our Lord ascended to heaven from Mount Olivet. There were about five hundred people present when He went up to heaven. Mount Olivet is just a little distance from Jerusalem. Our Lord used to go there often to pray. Some-times He would spend the whole night in prayer on the mountain.

What is the day called on which our Lord ascended into heaven? How many days after Easter is Ascension Day? You know it always falls on Thursday. Why do all have to go to Mass on the feast of the Ascension? How many Holy Days are there in the year? Name them. What is the color of the vestments which the priest wears on Ascension Day? What do the white vestments signify? What did our Lord promise before He went up to heaven?, Why did He promise to send the Holy Ghost? What did the Apostles do after they came down from Mount Olivet? Why did they lock themselves in a room? How long did they stay locked in the room ? What were they doing during those nine days?

What is the novena to the Holy Ghost? Why do you like to pray to the Holy Ghost? Why is God the Holy Ghost called the Spirit of Truth? When do you make the novena to the Holy Ghost?

What happened on the tenth day after our Lord went up to heaven? What noise did the Apostles hear? What form did the Holy Ghost take? How could the Holy Ghost take the form of tongues? Where did the tongues stand? What can the Holy Ghost do? Why can the Holy Ghost do all things? How long has the Holy Ghost been God?

What did the Apostles do after the Holy Ghost came upon them ? Why did they have such great courage after that? What were they willing to do after that? In what Sacrament do you receive the Holy Ghost? Who gives you the Sacrament of Confirmation? Who gives you courage and strength in your faith? What Sacrament makes you ready to suffer for God if need be?

When did the Holy Ghost come upon the Apostles ? What is that day called ? How many days after Easter is Pentecost ? Pentecost is also called Whitsunday. In the early Church they used to baptize the converts on the Saturday before Pentecost. Of course they baptized most of them on Holy Saturday. When they were baptized they were clothed in white garments. So the next day many of them wore white. That is why Pentecost is sometimes called Whitsunday or white Sunday. What would you say now if some one asked you why Pentecost is called Whitsunday ? On what day were most of the converts baptized in the early Church? When were those baptized who were left over from Holy Saturday ?

The priest wears red vestments on Pentecost. Red is the sign of love. You know the Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Love. Out of love for us the Holy Ghost comes to us to make us holy. Red is also the sign of martyrdom ; it represents the blood of the martyrs. That is why the priest also wears red vestments on the feasts of martyrs. Why does the priest wear red vestments on the feasts of the Apostles ? How many of the Apostles were martyrs? Of what else is red the sign besides the blood of martyrs? What does red signify on the feast of the Holy Ghost?

Why did the Holy Ghost come upon the Apostles? What work did our Lord give the Apostles to do? Who were they to teach? Why did our Lord found the Catholic Church? What does the Catholic Church teach us? How do we know all that our Lord taught? What Church teaches us all that the Apostles taught? What Church teaches us all that God told the patriarchs and prophets? How do we know what the words of the Bible mean? What Church has always guarded the Bible for us? Why did God give us the Catholic Church? How do we know all that God wants us to do? What Church teaches us all that God wants us to know ? What Church teaches us to love God? What Church leads us to heaven?

Why are you sure that the Catholic Church always teaches the truth? Which person of the Blessed Trinity stays with the Catholic Church? Why does the Holy Ghost stay with the Catholic Church? Why does the Holy Ghost guard the truth in the Catholic Church ? How long will the Holy Ghost guard the truth in the Catholic Church? When did the Holy Ghost come upon the Catholic Church? Why are you happy to believe all that the Catholic Church teaches? Who started the Catholic Church ? On what day did the Catholic Church really begin? Why do you say that the Catholic Church really began on that first Pentecost? What did the Apostles do as soon as the Holy Ghost came upon them?

You can read about this in the Acts of the Apostles, Ch. 2. There it tells how St. Peter preached to a great multitude of people from many nations. Many of them believed in our Lord when they heard the words of St. Peter. About three thousand of them were baptized. So that was really the beginning of the Catholic Church. Now, if some one asked you on what day the Catholic Church began, what would you say? Where can you read about how the Holy Ghost came and how St. Peter preached to the people? In what part of the Bible are the Acts of the Apostles?

Who keeps the truth in the Catholic Church? Why is the Holy Ghost called the Spirit of Truth ? From whom does the truth come? Whose truth does the Catholic Church teach us? Why is the Catholic Church always able to teach us God’s truth? What Church gives us God’s grace? What is God’s grace to our soul? What can we do when we have this new life in our soul ? Why do we need God’s grace? What Church gives us God’s seven Sacraments? Who gave the seven Sacraments to the Catholic Church? What comes to us through the seven Sacraments? What makes our soul beautiful before God ?

How long will the Catholic Church last? Who will guard the Catholic Church until the end of the world? Who will keep the truth in the Catholic Church until the end of the world ? Who helps the Catholic Church teach people to love God? Why does the Holy Ghost help us save our souls? Why is the Holy Ghost called the Spirit of Love? You know the pagans tried to destroy the Catholic Church in the beginning. They killed thousands and thousands of those who believed in it. But they could not destroy it because God watches over His Church. Since then many others have tried to destroy the Catholic Church, but they have always failed.

Over three hundred and fifty years ago a priest named Luther fell away from the Catholic Church and started a sect called Protestants. Since then about three hundred Protestant sects have been started. But God watches over the Catholic Church and will do so until the end of the world. How, then, do you know that the Catholic Church will last to the end of the world ?

How do you know that the Catholic Church will teach God’s truth until the end of the world? Why does God want all the people to belong to the Catholic Church? Whom do you obey when you do what the Catholic Church teaches ?

Why has the Catholic Church always taught the same truth ? How long has the Holy Ghost guided the Catholic Church? In how many parts of the world is the Catholic Church? Why is the Catholic Church the same in all parts of the world ? Who keeps the Catholic Church as it was in the beginning? Why has the Catholic Church been the same for nineteen hundred years? How long will the Catholic Church teach the truth which it teaches now?

Why is the Catholic Church holy? Who is the founder of the Catholic Church? What kind of truth does the Catholic Church teach? How long has the Catholic Church taught God’s truth? What makes many people holy in the Catholic Church? To what Church did all the saints and martyrs belong? Tell me some of the saints whom you know.

To what Church did God give the Sacrifice of the Mass? What Church teaches us the Ten Commandments? How do we know about purgatory? How long have people been saying the Apostles’ Creed in the Catholic Church? What Church came down from the Apostles? Why did our Lord establish but one Church? Whose Church is the Catholic Church? What Church teaches us to believe in the Communion of Saints ? What does the Communion of Saints mean? Why do you say in the Apostles’ Creed?—”I believe in . . . the Catholic Church.” In what Church do we have to believe to be saved ? Who tells us to believe in the Catholic Church ? Where can we learn God’s truth ?

Many good people do not believe in the Catholic Church because they do not know that it is God’s Church. False teachers sometimes make people hate the Catholic Church. They tell falsehoods about the Catholic Church just as they did about our Lord. The devil hates the Catholic Church because it teaches the people to love God whom he hates. Why do you love the Catholic Church? Who gave us the Catholic Church ? How does the Catholic Church show that God loves us ? Why did God give us the Catholic Church? Why does God want the Catholic Church to lead us to heaven ? Whom do you obey when you obey the Catholic Church ? Why do you obey God when you obey the Catholic Church? Who sent the Catholic Church to teach us?

What does it mean to have the Catholic Faith? What Faith have those who believe in the Catholic Church? Why is our Faith holy? From whom does our Faith come? Why do you love your Faith? How much did the martyrs love our holy Faith? What Faith did the Apostles preach? What Faith does the Holy Ghost guard? How long will the Catholic Faith last?

When did you become members of the Catholic Church? When were you baptized? Who baptized you? Whose children did you become when you were baptized? Why do we say that we are born again in Baptism? What life did you receive in Baptism?

How does the Catholic Church teach us to live together? Why does the Catholic Church teach us to love one another? Who first taught us to love one another? What Church teaches us that we are all like brothers and sisters? What Church teaches us that we are like one big family ? What food does the Catholic Church give us for our soul? What is the food of the Holy Eucharist? The altar rail is like the family table at which we all come together to nourish our souls with our Lord’s body and blood. The Holy Eucharist unites all the members of the Church in love.

Now, what unites all the members of the Church in love? Who teaches us to love one another? Which is the Sacrament of love? To what Church did God give the Holy Eucharist ?

In what Church does our Lord dwell? Where is God’s house? In what part of the church is the Blessed Sacrament ? What does the little red light in the church mean? In what church do you find the crucifix and pictures and statues of our Lord and the saints?






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