God is the author of life ; all life comes from Him. By our natural life we can live for this world alone. But God gives a new life to our soul by which we can gain heaven. It is the life of divine grace. By grace we can love God and thus save our soul. Grace makes our soul holy and beautiful and pure so that God can love us. God’s grace comes to us through the Sacraments. God also gives us grace when we pray. Our Lord, when He died on the cross, gained for us the grace that Adam and Eve lost by their sin. Mortal sin alone can take God’s grace from the soul. The Catholic Church brings the grace which Christ gained for us.
Children, perhaps you would like to talk again about the Catholic Church. Tell me how it started. Tell me how the Holy Ghost came to it. Tell me about the Apostles ; the first Pope ; our Holy Father. Why did our Lord establish the Catholic Church? What does it teach us? How do we know all that our Lord and the Apostles taught? What did our Lord do to keep the truth in the Catholic Church? When did the Holy Ghost come upon the Apostles? How long will the Holy Ghost stay with the Catholic Church? Why are you sure that the Catholic Church will always teach the truth? How long has the Catholic Church taught the truth? What person of the Blessed Trinity stays with the Catholic Church?
Tell me about the Blessed Trinity. Tell me about each person of the Blessed Trinity. How do we know that there are three persons in God? Why did God tell us about Himself? Why does God want us to know Him? What can God do? Tell me some of the things God has done for us. How do the things around you make you think of God? How do we happen to be in this world? Who gave you life? When did God give you your natural life?
What can you do with your natural life? Tell me what you can do with your eyes ; your ears ; your mouth ; your hands ; your feet. Now tell me about your soul. What powers have you in your soul? Why are you able to think? By what power can you choose things and wish for things? For what did God make you? Why does God wish to have you in heaven with Him? What do you have to do to get to heaven? What Church teaches you all that God wants you to do?
Why does God give a new life to your soul? What is this new life called? Why do you need God’s grace? What do you need to be able to know God? What do you need to be able to serve God? What makes you able to keep the Commandments? Who gives you this grace? What makes you able to avoid sin? What do you need to be able to believe all that the Catholic Church teaches? What gives you power to do good to others? What enables you to love God? What, then, does God’s grace make you able to do ? What is God’s grace in our soul? Why does God give you this new life? How many people need this new life to get to heaven? How does this new life change your soul? What is this new life called? Why does God give you His grace? What makes your soul holy and pure? What makes your soul beautiful?
Why does God make your soul holy and pure and beautiful with His grace? What does God do for your soul so that He can love it? Why must we have God’s grace so that God can love our soul? How does grace lift us up to God? What kind of souls are united with God? Why are none other than holy and pure souls united with God? How holy and pure is God? What makes us children of God? What makes us fit to go to heaven? Why does God’s grace make us fit to go to heaven? What makes our soul holy and pure and beautiful?
Why does God give this new life to our soul? What are we able to do when we have this new life of grace? What does it enable us to do for God? What does it make us able to do for others ? What does God do for you so that you can love Him? What does ‘God give you so that you can keep the Commandments? What does God do for you so that you can avoid sin? What, then, can you do when you have God’s grace?
What is the only thing that can take God’s grace from any one’s soul? What do people lose when they commit mortal sin? When did Adam and Eve lose God’s grace? When did the angels lose God’s grace? Where do people go if they die without God’s grace? When do we say that anybody’s soul is dead? What life does anybody lose when he commits mortal sin?
What does God do for our soul so that He can love it? How does God make our soul holy and pure and beautiful? How does God make us fit to go to heaven? What made the Blessed Virgin Mary so pure and holy? What did the angel say to the Blessed Virgin Mary ? Why did he say ?”Hail, Mary, full of grace.” Why did God give the Blessed Virgin so much grace? Whose mother was she to be?
What made St. Joseph so holy and pure? With whom was St. Joseph to live? What did God’s grace do for St. Joseph? What did God’s grace do for all the saints? What did God’s grace do for the Apostles? What made them able to work hard all their life for God? What gave them strength to die for our holy Faith? What made the saints able to fast and pray so much? Why were they able to love God so much? What new life did God give them? Why do we need God’s grace?
We need God’s grace to get to heaven. We need God’s grace to pray, to fast, to do good works. We need God’s grace to be able to believe in Him, hope in Him, and love Him. When are you able to pray well? When can we believe in God, hope in Him, and love Him? Why does God give us the new life of grace? How many Sacraments did our Lord give us? What do the seven Sacraments bring to us? Whose grace do the Sacraments bring to us?
Why did our Lord come down from heaven? What did our Lord bring us from heaven? Who brought us God’s grace from heaven? When did our Lord free us from sin? When did our Lord gain God’s grace for us? What grace did our Lord gain for us on the cross? How does our Lord send us His grace now? What grace do the Sacraments bring to us? What Church has our Lord’s seven Sacraments? What Church brings God’s grace to us? How does the Catholic Church bring God’s grace to us ? In what Church do we receive a new life for our soul? Why do we call the Catholic Church our Holy Mother the Church? Why is the Catholic Church like a mother to us? What life does it bring to us?
How many Sacraments did our Lord give to the care of His Church? In which Sacrament did you first receive God’s grace? Why do we say that we are born again in Baptism? When do we receive the new life of grace? When did you receive the Sacrament of Baptism? What other Sacraments have you received? What Sacrament do you receive when you go to Holy Communion? What Sacrament takes away our sins after Baptism? What Sacrament makes you strong in Faith? Name the seven Sacraments.
What Sacrament do people receive when they get married? What Sacrament makes men priests? What Sacrament do people receive when they are very sick? What Church takes care of the Sacraments for our Lord? What do the Sacraments bring to us? What does God’s grace do for our soul? What makes our soul holy and pure? Why do we need God’s grace? When are we able to get to heaven? What can we do when we have the life of grace? What unites us with God? How did the saints become holy and pure? Who was full of grace? Why are you happy to have God’s grace? When did you first receive God’s grace? What Sacrament feeds God’s grace in your soul? What is the food of your soul in the Holy Eucharist?
What is the only thing that can take God’s grace away from the soul? What Sacrament takes away mortal sin from the soul? Why is the soul said to be dead when it is in mortal sin? What Sacrament gives back the life of grace to the soul? What does the Sacrament of Holy Orders do for men? Why are priests able to do so much for God? What do they receive in the Sacrament of Holy Orders? Why do they need more of God’s grace?
When do married people get the grace to love each other until death? When do people receive the Sacrament of Matrimony? When do they get grace to love and care for their children? Tell me about the home of the Holy Family at Nazareth. When do people get the grace to die well?
In what Sacrament do they receive this grace? When do people receive the Sacrament of Extreme Unction?
What, then, do all the Sacraments bring to us? Who gained all this grace for us? When did our Lord gain all this grace for us? Whose children are we all? Why does God give us His grace? Why does He wish to have us with Him forever in heaven? Why’ does God wish to make our soul holy and pure? When does God love our soul? What does God do for our soul so that He can love it? How does God make our soul pure and holy and beautiful?
How does God help us so that we can love Him? To how many people is God willing to give His grace? What makes us good and holy? How do we have to use God’s grace to be pure and holy? What happens when we use God’s grace well? When are we good and holy? How often does God give us the grace to be good? What do we have to do, then, to be good? What kind of people are we when we use God’s grace well?
When do we use God’s grace well? What are we doing when we try always to be as good as we can? How are we using God’s grace when we try to be good? What kind of people are those who will not use God’s grace? Why do some people commit sin? What are they doing with God’s grace when they commit sin? Who are those who refuse to use God’s grace?
What grace does God offer to sinners? Why does God offer them the grace to be sorry for their sins? Why did our Lord give us the Sacrament of Penance? What grace do sinners receive in the Sacrament of Penance? Who gives sinners grace to pray to be sorry for their sins? Why does God give sinners grace to be sorry for their sins? Why does He want them to turn away from their sins? Why does He wish to have them in heaven? When do sinners use the grace that God offers them? What are they using when they go to Confession? What makes them able to be sorry for their sins? Why are they able, then, to do penance for their sins?
With whom are we talking when we pray? What do we ask of God when we pray? Why do we ask God for His grace? For what does prayer prepare our soul? When, then, is our soul pre-pared to receive God’s grace? Why, then, must we pray? Why does God give His grace only to those who pray? Whose souls are prepared to receive God’s grace? Of course God offers His grace to all. But He wants us to prepare our soul for it by prayer. So we must pray to receive God’s grace. That is why those alone who pray can get to heaven.
Now, what prepares our soul for God’s grace? Why do you pray every day ? Why did the saints pray so much? Yes ; prayer shows that we are willing to receive the grace that God offers to us. Good works will also help to prepare our souls for God’s grace. That is why we fast and abstain and do good to others. Why do you pray so well before Holy Communion? Whose grace do you receive in Holy Communion ? What prepares our soul for this grace? Why do you pray before receiving Confirmation? For what are you preparing your soul? What do you do before receiving the Sacrament of Penance ? What do you pray for then ? Yes ; you are getting your soul ready to receive God’s grace. Prayer lifts our mind and heart to God. It is just like holding out our hand to receive the most wonderful gift that God gives us.
In what Church do you receive God’s grace? Why do you love to pray in the church? What does prayer do for your soul? What do you do when you are at Mass? For what are you pre-paring your soul during Mass? Why do you like to attend devotions in the church? What do the people do together at devotions? Why do they pray together? For what does prayer prepare their soul? What devotions do you like best? What devotions are held during Lent? What devotions are held during the month of May? What devotions are held during the month of June? Yes ; the devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus are very beautiful. They are really de-votions to our Lord’s love. The Sacred Heart is the sign of our Lord’s love. Now, could you tell any one what the devotions to the Sacred Heart mean? Which is the month of the Sacred Heart? Why do many people go to Holy Communion on the first Friday of the month?
What devotions are held during October? Which is the month of the Holy Rosary? What devotions are held during November? Which is the month of the poor souls ? What can you do for all the people in the world? When do you ask God to give others His grace? Yes ; when you pray for them God offers them more and more of His grace until at last they accept it. You know St. Augustine was not good when he was young. So his mother prayed for him every day for twenty years. At last he accepted God’s grace and became a great saint. St. Monica was St. Augustine’s mother. Now, what does God do for others when you pray for them? When does He offer them more and more of His grace? Who was St. Augustine’s mother? What did she do for St. Augustine?
How long, then, should you pray for others? How long will God offer them more and more of His grace? Why are you happy when others receive God’s grace? When do people love God? Why do you wish that all the people in the world would love God? Why do you wish that all the people would accept God’s grace? What would God’s grace, then, do for their soul?
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