God And Heaven

The world is like a beautiful house which God made for us. We are His children. But we live here only until we die. Heaven is our true home. When we die, we go to our true home. There our Heavenly Father is waiting for us with love. There we will be happy forever. We use the things of this world to help us to get to heaven.

Children, you have told me many wonderful things that our Heavenly Father has done for us. You have told me how He loves us. Now, why did God make this world? Why did God make a place for us to live in ? Whose children are we ? Why did God make the world so beautiful ? What is the beautiful green grass like? What are the mountains and the lakes and the rivers like ? What is like the ceiling of this house ? What are the sun, the moon, and the stars like? What did God put in the world to make us happy? How do we get things to eat? How do we get things to wear? Why did God give us the animals? What did God put in the oceans and lakes and rivers for us? How do we get bread to eat? Why did God put sweet sounds in many things? How can we make others happy with our voice? Why did God give us ears?

How are you able to see all the beauty in the world? Why did God give us such wonderful eyes? Who gave you your mother and father? Who taught your mother and father to love you and take care of you? Who sent your guardian angel to watch over you? How long will you live in this world? What will happen when you die? What will they do with your body? How long will your soul live? What can your soul do when your body dies? How can you know things after you die? What is your soul called? What other spirits do you know? How much can God do? How much does God know? Where do good people go when they die? Where is our true home? Who is waiting for us in heaven? What is God to us? What are we to God? To whom are we going when we die?

How does God want us to use the things of this world? To what place should they help us to go when we die? Why does God want us to keep from loving the things of this world too much? What place does God want us to think about every day? How can money help us to get to heaven? How does everything in the world show that God loves us ? How much more beautiful do you think heaven is than this world? How long shall we live in heaven ? Whom shall we love forever in heaven? Who will love us forever? What shall we know about God in heaven? When shall we see God? How often shall we be able to talk with God in heaven? What will God give us in heaven? How many people will love one another in heaven ? What saints shall we be with in heaven ?

Which saints shall you be glad to see there? What shall you say to the Blessed Virgin Mary? What shall you ask her about our Lord when He was a little child? What shall you ask her about Bethlehem? What will she say to you because you love our Lord? Whose mother is the Blessed Virgin Mary? What do you think she will tell you about St. Joseph? What do you think St. Joseph will tell you about our Lord when He was a boy? What do you think you shall say to the Apostles? What do you think St. Peter will tell you about Gethsemane? What do you think he will tell you about Rome? Who was the first Pope of the Catholic Church? What do you think you will talk to the other Apostles about? How many of the saints will know you? How many of the angels will know you? When shall you be able to see the angels? Where will your guardian angel be then? How many saints in heaven will love you? How many angels will love you?

What people whom you know now will be in heaven? What two people do you love best on earth? How long shall you be with your father and mother in heaven? How long shall you love your mother and father ? How long will your mother and father love you? How often shall you be able to talk with your mother and father in heaven? What do you think you shall like to talk about with them ? How shall you feel when you meet your brothers and sisters in heaven?

What do you think God will give us in heaven ? How happy shall we be in heaven? Why can nobody be sick in heaven ? What is the only place in which nobody ever is sad? Where is it that nobody ever suffers? When will our bodies be joined to our souls again ? What will our bodies be like in heaven? How will our bodies look? How long will our bodies be young and beautiful? How quickly shall we be able to travel in heaven ? What kind of eyes do you think we shall have? What do you think there will be to see in heaven ? What do you think we shall hear in heaven ? What kind of words do you think people will speak to us there? What kind of a voice do you think we shall have in heaven? What kind of music do you think there will be in heaven?

Why does God want us to keep from loving the things of this world too much? What does God want us to think about? What are the things of this world good for ? Where do they help us to go if we use them right? How can you do good with money ? How many things teach us to love God? Why does it make us happy to think about heaven? Why are good people always happy? How long will we live in this world? How long will we live in heaven? When might you die? What are you getting ready for in this world? How long will eternity last? Where will we be happy for eternity? What does this life prepare us for? Where will we have our true life? Who told us about heaven? Why did God tell us about heaven? Where can you read about heaven?

St. Paul wrote several epistles or letters. They form part of the Bible. In one of these epistles he wrote — of course God told him the words — “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love him.”

(1 Cor. 2, 9.) St. Paul wrote this in his letter to the Corinthians. He says that the things of heaven are wonderfully beautiful. No one on earth has ever seen such beautiful things. And no one could ever imagine how wonderful they are. And God has prepared all these things for us. Why did God want us to know about heaven? For what did God make us? Why did God put us in this world first? For what are we getting ready in this world? What must we do to get to heaven? What do we do when we serve God? How do we know what God wants us to do? Who sent the Catholic Church to teach us?

Why do you love to serve God? Where do people go who serve God? What do people believe who want to go to heaven? How do we know all that God teaches? What person of the Blessed Trinity stays with the Catholic Church? Whom do good people love? Why do you love all the people in the world? How can you help all the people in the world? What do you ask God to do for all the people in the world? What do you ask God to do for bad people? When will God forgive bad people?

What kind of people love God? Why would you like to see all the people good? Why does it make you happy to know that others love God?

How many people does God want to go to heaven ? How does God help all the people to get to heaven ? Why does He give them the Catholic Church? Why does He give them their guardian angels? Why does He give them the Commandments? Why are good people happy? What can sick people think about to make them happy? When will people that are sad be joyful? When will poor people be rich? How long will rich people have their money in this world? How long will we have everything in heaven? For what do good people use the things of this world? Why did God put us in this world? What are we pre-paring for? Where is our true home? Who is waiting for us in heaven?






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