Each one of us will be judged immediately after death. This judgment is called the Particular Judgment. Those who are free from mortal sin, at death, will be saved. They will go either to purgatory or to heaven. Those who die in mortal sin will be condemned to hell. At the end of the world God will raise up our bodies from the dead. Then all the people will be gathered together to be judged by Christ. This judgment is called General Judgment. All that has been decreed by the Particular Judgment will be affirmed by the General Judgment. After the end of the world heaven and hell alone will exist. Purgatory will no longer exist.
You have come now, children, to the last lesson. Tell me again about our Heavenly Father. How does He show His love for us? What is God to us? Who are God’s children? Tell me about God’s family. Tell me about the world and why God made all things. Show me how you see God’s love in everything around us. Tell me about our dwelling place here and then about our true home.
You said that God spoke to us. Tell me about that. How do we know so many things about God and the angels and heaven? How do we know about the Blessed Trinity? Tell me about the Bible. How do we know all those things now ? Who sent the Catholic Church to teach us ? Tell me about the angels and what wonderful creatures they are. Tell me about our guardian angels. Tell me about the devils. How did they become devils ?
For what did God make us? Where is our true home? Where are we really going when we die? Where is our Heavenly Father waiting for us? Tell me about hell. Why do people go there? What does it mean to go to hell? What does our Heavenly Father do to keep us from hell? Tell me about the Commandments. Why did God give them to us? How do they show God’s love ?
What does it mean to disobey God? What does sin do to people? What kind of sin sends people to hell? Tell me about original sin. Who came to free us from sin? How did our Lord save us? Who is our Lord’s mother? Whom did He send to save us? Tell me all about the Catholic Church ; the first priests ; the Pope ; the bishops.
Tell me about God’s grace and what it does for the soul. Tell me about the Sacraments.
What do the Sacraments give us? When did you receive a new life for your soul? In which Sacrament do you receive the Holy Ghost? Which Sacrament takes away our sins? In which Sacrament do we receive our Lord’s body and blood? What Sacrament do people receive when they are dying? What does the Sacrament of Holy Orders do for men? In which Sacrament are people married? How do the Sacraments show that God loves us? What do they give us? What does God’s grace do for us? Why do we need God’s grace? Why does God wish to have us with Him in heaven? How long will God love us in heaven? How long will you love God in heaven?
Why did God put us in this world? What must we do to love God? Why do we love God when we know Him? How do we learn to love God more and more? Why do we love God more the more we know Him? Why, then, must we learn to know God in this world?
What do you like to do for people when you love them? What does it show when you like to do things for people? How do you show your love for others? How do you show your love for God? Why do you like to obey God always? Why do you try to keep all God’s Commandments well? Why do you serve God? Why do you pray to God every day ? Why do you worship God? What do our churches show? When you love others, how do you use what belongs to them? Why do you like to take care of what belongs to others ? To whom do all things belong ? Tell me some of the things that belong to God. How do you use the things in the world to show your love for God? Who tells us how to use all the things in the world? How do we use things so as to obey God? When do people dis-obey God by the way in which they use things?
To whom does our body, our eyes, our eats, our tongue, our hands, our soul belong? Why must we use these right? How can we show love for God in using all these things? Who are God’s children? How do sick people give us a chance to show our love for God? Why do we show love for God when we help sick people? For whom are you really showing love when you do kind deeds for others? To whom do all the people in the world belong? Just see how many ways there are in which to show our love for God. Why do you love all the people in the world? Whom are we learning to love all our life on earth? Why does God wish us to learn to love Him on earth? Where shall we be with God? How does God want us to prepare for heaven? Why must we learn to love God to prepare to go to heaven? When shall we love God forever?
What does it show when we try to be good all our life? Whom do we obey when we do good? Whom do people disobey when they commit sin? What does it show when any one disobeys God? How long shall we live here on earth? Who knows when we shall die? What happens when people grow very old? At what other times do people die? Who can tell whether or not people are fit to go to heaven when they die ?
Who judges us as soon as we die? Why does God judge each one of us when we die? Who says whether or not people are to go to heaven when they die ? When does God say that ? God judges each one of us when we die. This is called the Particular Judgment. In one instant God judges us. If our soul is pure, then we go straight to heaven.
Where do people go who die with venial sin on their soul? Where do those go who have not done enough penance for their sins? How long will they have to suffer in purgatory? Where will they go from purgatory as soon as their soul is made pure? What do we call the judgment after death? When does the Particular Judgment take place?
Where do people go who die with mortal sin on their soul? Who are those who do not love God? What kind of sin makes people hate God? When did the bad angels begin to hate God? Why did the bad angels have to go away from God? Why do people who die in mortal sin have to go away from God? Whom do they hate? When do people begin to hate God? What do we have to learn to do to go to heaven? Whom do we learn to love? Whom do all the people that go to heaven love? Why cannot people in mortal sin go to heaven? Why do they have to go to hell?
Whom do the angels in heaven love? Whom do the saints love? Whom do the devils hate? Who hates all the people in the world? Who hates all the people in hell? Who hate one another? Where is there always hate? Where is there always love? What kind of sin makes people love God less than they did? Why does venial sin send people to purgatory? Whom will they love more than ever when their soul is made pure? Why will they be allowed to go to heaven when their soul is pure?
When will God forgive people that commit sin? What must they do before they die? When is it too late to be sorry for their sins? Whom must they love to be really sorry for their sins? What will happen to them if they die before they are sorry for their sins? What will happen to them if they don’t do penance after their sins are forgiven? How long will the wicked have to suffer in hell? How long will the devils hate God? With whom will the wicked be in hell? Why can they never go to heaven? Whom must we love to go to heaven?
What kind of people love God? How do good people show their love for God? How do they prepare to go to heaven? When does God judge people to say whether or not they are fit to go to heaven? What kind of people will God say are fit to go to heaven?
When will God judge us for all that we have done on earth? What will He do for those who have done good all their life? Why will they be fit to go to heaven ? Whom will God take straight to heaven? Why will God take them straight to heaven when their soul is pure? Whom do we love very much when our soul is pure? With whom shall we be in heaven ? Whom shall we love in heaven? Who will love us forever? Where do all love one another? What kind of people are very happy when they are dying? Why are good people so happy when they are dying? To whom are they really going? Where shall we all be united in love forever? To what saint do we pray for a happy death? Why do we pray to St. Joseph for a happy death? Who were with St. Joseph when he died? Why was St. Joseph very happy when he was dying? How did the saints feel when they were dying?
What is the Particular Judgment? What does God do as soon as we die? Why does God judge us when we die? What does He say to those who die in mortal sin? How long will they have to suffer in hell? Where do those who die in venial sin go? Where do those go whose soul is pure?
When will God bring our body back to life? Yes ; on the last day of the world God will gather together all the people that ever lived. Then our Lord will come to judge them all together. This will be the General Judgment. Of course, our Lord will judge them all the same as He did at the Particular Judgment. Why then do you think our Lord will judge all the people together at the end of the world? He will show how just the Particular Judgment was. At the end of the world our Lord will come in great glory. He will be surrounded by multitudes of angels and saints. You can read about this in the Gospel of St. Matthew 25. How many people will be gathered together for the General Judgment? When will the General Judgment take place? What will the General Judgment show? When will purgatory come to an end ?
What two places only will exist after the last day? How long will heaven and hell exist after that? How many of us will have our body again on the last day? The Bible says that the wicked will all be placed together at our Lord’s left hand. Then He will say to them : “Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry, and you gave me not to eat ; I was thirsty, and you gave me not to drink ; I was a stranger, and you took me not in ; naked, and you covered me not ; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit me.” (St. Matt. 25.)
Now, why will our Lord say all this to the wicked? How could they have given Him some-thing to eat and the rest? To whom did our Lord want them to do these things? Whose children are the poor and the outcast and the sick? What did it show when they did not do kind deeds for others in their life? Where will the wicked all go after our Lord says this to them ? How long will they have to stay in hell ? What will they suffer in hell? From whom will they be separated? With whom will they be forever ? How do you think the wicked will feel at the General Judgment ?
The Bible says that the good people will all stand together at our Lord’s right hand. Then He will say to them : “Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and -you gave me to eat ; I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink ; I was a stranger, and you took me in ; naked, and you covered me ; sick, and you visited me ; I was in prison, and you came to me.” (St. Matt. 25.)
Now, why will our Lord say that they gave Him food and drink and shelter ? For whom did they show love when they did these things to poor people? Where will our Lord take the good people after that? When will they have their body forever? Who will be very, very happy at the General Judgment? Whom shall you have with you in heaven? When shall you be united with all your dear ones? How long shall you love one another there? What shall you have in heaven ? When shall you have all that you can desire? How will the good people feel at the General Judgment?
When shall you be with the Blessed Virgin and all the angels and saints? How many of them shall love you? How long will they love you? Whom shall you love forever ? When shall we be in our true home? When shall we be united with our Heavenly Father? For what should we thank God every day? Why does God wish to have us with Him in heaven ?
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