God made the earth as a place for us to live. He made the plants and the trees. He made the animals and the fishes of the sea. All these things He made for our benefit. He is a loving Father preparing a house for His family.
Now, children, would you tell me again about God’s children? You told me many things about God’s love for us. You told me how God wants us all to love one another.
Where do all the people in the world come from ? To whom do we all belong ? What wonderful things did God do for our body? What wonderful things did God do for our soul? What part of us is most like to God ? Why did God make the world ? Why did God make such a beautiful place for us to live in ?
How long will our soul live? Why do you love all the people in the world ? Why are we all like brothers and sisters ? Why do you like to do good to others? What can you do to help bad people ? What do you do when some one is unkind to you? What do you say when some one is kind to you? What do you say to God for all that He has done for you? When do you thank God? Why do you like to make others happy ? Who is our Heavenly Father? Why did God make the earth? Where can we read about how God made the earth? In what part of the Bible can you read this ?
Who gave you your father and mother? Why did God make the world so beautiful? Why does He want us to be happy ? How do God’s children get things to eat on earth? What grows in the ground? Who makes them all grow? What fruits grow on trees? Why did God give us all those fine fruits?
You know the priest blesses the fruits of the earth and all eatables. He does that to ask God to make them help us more and to thank God for them. Where do we get meat to eat? What animals give us meat to eat? Why did God give us the animals? Where can you read about how God made the animals ? In what part of the Bible can you read this? Who wrote this in the Book of Genesis? What was the difference between Adam and Eve and all the animals? Why can’t the animals think? What happens when an animal dies ? How long will our soul live ? What things do we get to eat from the water ? Why did God give us so many kinds of fish? Where do we get milk, butter, cheese, eggs? Where do we get sugar? You know sugar is made out of beets and out of sugar cane. These things grow in the ground.
Where do we get salt from? I will tell you. There is salt in the ocean. Sometimes people have taken this salt from the ocean. In many places salt is found in the ground. So they dig pure salt out of the earth. Isn’t that wonderful? Why did God put salt there? Where do we get honey? Who do you think taught the bees to make honey ?
Why does God make it rain? What happens where it never rains ? Can you tell me about the great deserts? How does God help people to cross the desert? What animal did He make to carry them? Why does the rain make you think of how good God is to us ? What does it do for the grass, the plants, the trees, and the flowers ? Why should we thank God for the rain? You know the rain comes from the ocean. The water is drawn up by the sun and made into clouds. Then it falls down as rain or snow or hail. What good does the snow do?
Where do we get clothes to wear? What is cloth made from? Where does cotton come from ? Why does God make cotton grow? Where do we get wool? Where do the sheep come from ? How does God give us leather to make shoes? Where does silk come from? Who taught the silkworms to make silk? Why does God do all this for us?
What do we build houses from? Where did the stone come from? Where did the clay come from to make bricks? Who gave us sand and cement and lime to build houses out of ?
What do we build churches out of? Where is the most beautiful church in the world ? Where is St. Peter’s Church? When did St. Peter die? St. Peter’s Church was first built about sixteen hundred years ago. The church that now exists was built about five hundred years ago. The floor of the old church is below the floor of the new church. When was St. Peter’s Church built? Whose house is the church ? What does the bishop do when he blesses the church? Why do good people like to help build churches? Who gives us all the good things we have? Why do we like to make the church beautiful? Who gives us the flowers we put on the altar? What do you say to God every day for giving you all these things? What do you say when somebody does something for you?
Where do we get wood to put in our houses? Why does God make big. trees grow? Where do we get slate to put on the roof? Who put the slate into the ground? What did God give us so that we could make tables and chairs and cup-boards and things like that?
How do we keep our houses warm in the winter ? What are stoves and furnaces made from? Who put the iron in the mountains? What else is iron good for? What are steam and water pipes made from? What are engines and machines made from? The priest blesses all kinds of engines and machines. Of course he does this only when people ask it of him. Why do you think the priest blesses engines and machines? Who gave us the materials to make them? What did God give us so that we could have knives and forks and spoons to eat with? What did He give us so that we could have railroads and trains to travel upon? What did God give us to cook our food with and to keep us warm? Why did God give us wood and coal and gas ? Where does coal come from? Yes ; it comes out of the ground. It is wood that fell there thousands and thousands of years ago. It grew hard and black. Now men dig it out of the ground. They go down in deep, dark pits and work there all day so that we can have coal for our fires. What makes steam engines go? Who gave us water and fire to make steam? What makes street cars go? Where does electricity come from? Who put the electricity in the air ? What else is electricity good for ? Why did God give us gas?
Why did God give us oil? Do you know how we get oil and gas out of the earth? Men drill holes in the ground. Sometimes these holes are thousands of feet deep. They then put pipes down in them. If it is a gas well, the gas comes out of itself. If it is an oil well, it has to be pumped out.
What makes automobiles go? Where does gasoline come from? What makes airships fly? Who made the air for them to fly in? What did God give us to make ships from? Where did the ocean come from? Where do rivers and lakes come from? Why did God make the ocean and rivers and lakes so beautiful? Why did He want to make us happy? What happens to the water in very cold weather? What can you do on the ice? Where do the fishes live in the winter when there is ice on the water? Why do you think God made the ice freeze on top of the water ? How can the fish live in the wintertime? What did God give you to make skates out of? What did He give you to make sleds out of ?
Why did God make the earth so beautiful? Why did God give us the pretty flowers? How do the flowers make us happy? How can you make others happy with flowers? Why do you always try to be kind to others? Why do men and boys lift their hats when they meet a lady they know ? How do you show that you love your mother? Of all the women that ever lived whom do you honor most ? Whose mother is the Blessed Virgin Mary? Why do you honor the Blessed Virgin when you respect all women? Why do you honor your own mother when you lift your hat to a lady? Who wants you to love all the people in the world ?
What did God give us to drink ? Why did God make the streams so beautiful? Why did God give us the birds? How many kinds of birds do you know? Why do you like to hear the birds singing? Who taught the birds to sing? Why did God teach the birds to sing?
What are chickens and geese and ducks and turkeys good for ? Why do you like to go out into the woods? Why did God make the trees so beautiful ? What are they like in autumn ? Why do you like to see the many-colored leaves? What can you gather in the woods in the fall? How many kinds of nuts do you know? How does God make the trees and the bushes look in the springtime ? Why did He make them bloom so beautifully? What kind of berries do you like? What kind of berries did God make grow on bushes ? What kind of roses do you like? What do the beautiful roses make you think about? How do the roses show that God loves us ? Why did God make the grass so beautiful? What kind of flowers grow in the water? Why do you like the lilies ?
What living pets did God give you? What animals did God give us to help us work? What are horses, mules, and donkeys good for ?
What did God give us to make jewelry out of ? Where does gold come from? Where does silver come from? Why did God give us diamonds and other precious stones? How do all these things help us to love God? Why do good people help to make God’s house beautiful? Where do we get gold and silver to help make the church beautiful? Who put gold and silver in the ground? Where do we get fine marble for our churches? Why would you like to help make God’s house beautiful?
What kind of a place did God make for us to live in? What do you thank God for every day ? Why did God make the earth so beautiful ? What can we do for others if we have many good things ? Why do you like to share your good things with others? How many people does God want to make happy? Why do you thank God every day? If somebody asked you how you know that God loves you, what would you say ? What could you tell him that God does for you ? Could you tell him many things God does to make you happy? If he asked you why you pray to God every day, what would you say? If he asked you why you love all the people in the world, what would you say? If he asked you why you are kind and gentle to everybody, what would you tell him?
Did you ever hear about Noah in the Ark ? Can you tell me about Noah? You can read about Noah in the Bible. The Book of Genesis tells about him. The people became very bad, so a great flood was sent by God. It rained forty days so that the earth was covered with water. All except Noah and his family were drowned. God saved Noah and his family because they were good. He told Noah to build a big houseboat. It is called the Ark. Noah and his family lived in this houseboat until the flood was over, and when they came out Noah offered sacrifice to God to thank Him for saving them from the flood. For what do you thank God every day? What kind of people thank God for all that they have? How did Noah thank God? Where can you read about Noah?
Who is our Heavenly Father? Whose children are we all? Why does it make you happy to think about God ? What can you see around you that makes you happy? Why did God put so many beautiful things in the world? How can you show that you are thankful to God for all these things? Why are you really giving to God when you give to poor people? Whose children are they? How can you do kind acts for God? Why do you do for God the kind acts you do for others? How do you act towards others to show that you love God? Why do we offer the holy Sacrifice of the Mass to God? What kind of sacrifices did the people offer to God before our Lord came?
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