God Is The Creator Of The Heavens

God made the sun, the moon, and the stars. The planets show forth God’s love and power. The beauty of the heavens makes us happy. The planets move together in peace and harmony.

Who is our Heavenly Father? Why do you always try to be kind to others? Why are we all like brothers and sisters? Why did God make the world? Why did God make so many beautiful things? How long shall we live on the earth?

Where is our true home? How long will our soul live? What spirits do you know? What spirits are in heaven? Why did God make the sun? What does the sun give us? What does the sun do for the plants and trees?

What makes the sun look so small? The sun is 93,000,000 miles from the earth and is a million times larger. How big is the earth? Why does the sun make you think of God’s goodness? How can the earth travel around the sun every year? (600 millions of miles.) How far does the earth travel every minute? (1000 miles.) Why is the earth never one minute late in the year? What makes you think how wonderful God is? What do we get out of wood and coal? Where did the heat come from that is in wood and coal? What did God do for us so that we can cook our food? In what other way did God give us fire? Where do we get gas and oil? Why did God put gas and oil in the earth ? Why did God make the sun so bright? When does it make you happy to look at the sun? Why did God make the sunrise so beautiful? Why is it dark at night and light in the day? How often does God make the earth turn around? How often does the earth travel around the sun? How far does the earth travel on its way around the sun? How can the earth always keep in the same path? How far does the earth travel every minute? Who guides the earth in its way ? Why does that make you think about God? Why did God make the earth and the sun? Whose dwelling place is the earth? How long shall we live here? Where is our true home ? How long shall we live in heaven ? With whom shall we be in heaven?

Why should we think more about our heavenly home than about the earth? Why does God want us to keep from loving this world too much?

What place does God want us to think about? How does God want us to use everything in this world? Where does He want these things to help us to go? How can you use money to help you go to heaven? How can you do good with money? Why does everything on earth make you think about God? Why do many things make you think about God’s love?

Why did God give us the moon? Why does the moon look so small? How far is the moon from the earth ? (250,000 miles.) How big is the moon? (2160 miles in diameter.) Where does the moon get its light? How often does the moon travel around the earth? (Once a month.) How many miles a minute does it go ? (36 miles.) Who guides the moon on its way? Why did God make the moonlight so beautiful? Why does the moon make you think how great and good God is? Why do you like to look at the beautiful stars in the night ? Why do you think God made the stars? Do you know how many stars there are in the sky? (More than 100 millions.) When you look at the beautiful stars, what do they make you think about? How do they travel so fast? How do they keep from crashing together?

When you see how many beautiful things God has done, what does it make you think about? Why should it make everybody honor God to see all the wonderful things that He has done?

Who are the only beings of this world that are made to the image and likeness of God? What part of us is made to God’s image? Why does God want to make us happy? Why does God love us ? Why are you glad to serve God ? What kind of people are happy? Why do we say that God is Lord of heaven and earth? To whom do all things belong? When do we honor God as the Lord and Ruler of the world? What sacrifice do we offer that honors God as the Lord of the world? Who gave us the Sacrifice of the Mass? What does the priest offer to God in the Mass? Under what form does He offer our Lord’s body and blood?

Who is the only one to whom we can offer sacrifice? Why can we not offer sacrifice except to God alone? Who alone is the Lord and Ruler of the world? What kind of sacrifices did the Jews offer to God before our Lord was born?

In how many parts of the world do priests offer the Sacrifice of the Mass? How long will priests offer the Sacrifice of the Mass in the world? In what part of the Bible can you read about the sacrifices of Cain and Abel? What other sacriflce can you read about in the Book of Genesis? Why did Noah offer sacrifice to God?

Where did heaven and earth come from? To whom do we belong? Who are God’s children? What does it show when you do kind acts for others? Why do you say “please” when you ask something of others? Why do you open the door and let somebody go first if you are both going through? Why do you like to be kind to others? Who loves us all? Who takes care of us all? Why did God make this beautiful world? How long will we live on earth? What will happen when we die? What will they do with our body? Where will our soul go when we die? Where is our true home? How long will heaven last? What does God want us to do here on earth? Why does He want us to be good? If somebody asked you why we live here on earth, what would you say? What are we getting ready for? Why does God want us to love heaven better than this world? Why does God want us to help poor people? Whose children are the poor people?

Did you ever hear of St. Francis of Assisi? He was a holy man who lived about seven hundred years ago. When he was a young man, he was very rich and fond of pleasure. But he began to think about God and about heaven. So he gave all his money to the poor and became a beggar. All his life after that he went about teaching the people to be good and helping the poor.

Now if somebody asked you how long ago did St. Francis live, what would you say? What made St. Francis give all his money to the poor ? Why did St. Francis become a beggar? Where is St. Francis now? Why do you think the saints wanted to be poor? Why do good people love God more than money? How long will they have money? How long will they have God?

Who gave us strength to work? Why does it make people happy to work? Why do you think God wants us to work here? What shows that this is not our true home? What are some of the things you can thank God for? What can you do to make others happy? Why do you always try to act kindly to others? Why do boys take off their hats when they enter the house? Why do you like to show respect for others ? To whom do all the people in the world belong? Why do you always try to do what your father and mother tell you? Why did God give you your mother and father? Why do you always try to help your parents?

When do you thank your parents? When do you thank anybody? Why do you thank God every day? Why did God make the world? What makes you think how great God is? What makes you think how good God is? What makes you think how much God loves us?

Who tells us how to use everything in this world? Where do these things help us to go? Why does God want us to keep from loving the things of this world too much? Whom do we thank for all that we have? What do the good things of this world show about God?






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