We receive the Holy Eucharist when we go to Holy Communion. When we receive Holy Communion, our Lord really and truly enters into our soul and body. Our Lord domes to us in Holy Communion under the form of bread. When we receive the Holy Eucharist, we receive more of God’s grace. Our soul must be free from sin when we receive the Holy Eucharist. We prepare our soul for Holy Communion by prayer.
You have told me many interesting things about the Sacraments, children. Perhaps you would like to talk about them again. Tell me about Baptism ; Confirmation ; the Holy Eucharist. What do the Sacraments bring to our soul ? What do you call divine grace? When did you first ‘receive this new life for your soul? What does divine grace do for your soul? What does it make you able to do? Why do you need God’s grace? How many people need God’s grace to get to heaven?
Which is the Sacrament of God’s love? Why is the Holy Eucharist called the Sacrament of God’s love? What does our Lord give us in the Holy Eucharist? Why does our Lord give us His body and blood in the Holy Eucharist? What does the Holy Eucharist do for our soul? What is the food of our soul in the Holy Eucharist? Under what form do we receive our Lord’s body and blood in the Holy Eucharist? Who changes bread and wine into our Lord’s body and blood? When does the priest change bread and wine into our Lord’s body and blood? When do we receive the Holy Eucharist? What do we receive in the Holy Eucharist when we go to Holy Communion? Under what form do we receive our Lord’s body and blood when we go to Holy Communion?
Who were the first ever to receive Holy Communion? Who gave the Apostles their first Communion? When did our Lord give the Apostles their first Communion? When does our Lord really come into our soul and our body? What form does our Lord take when He comes to us in Holy Communion ? What person of the Blessed Trinity is our Lord? How long has our Lord been God? How long will our Lord be God? When did our Lord become man? When does our Lord come to us both as God and as man?
When does our Lord come to live in our soul and our body? Under what two forms is our Lord really present ? Who is really present under the form of bread in the Holy Eucharist? Who is really present under the form of wine? You know the priest receives Holy Communion in the Mass under the form both of bread and of wine. The people receive Holy Communion under the form of bread alone. Yet both the priest and the people receive just the same. Both receive our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Under which separate forms is our Lord really present in the Holy Eucharist? Whom does the priest receive when he receives Holy Communion under the form both of bread and of wine ? Whom do the people receive when they receive Holy Communion? Yes ; our Lord is whole and en-tire both under the form of bread and under the form of wine. Then if the priest breaks a sacred host, our Lord is present whole and entire under each part of it.
The Communion of the priest at Mass is a part of the Mass. Before he receives Holy Communion the priest strikes his breast and says three times : “Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof ; but say only the word and my soul shall be healed.” (St. Matt. 8, 8.) Why do you think the priest says? ”Lord,
I am not worthy.” Whom is the priest about to receive? Why is nobody worthy to receive our Lord? Who makes us worthy to receive our Lord in Holy Communion?
Before the priest gives Holy Communion he turns and holds the Blessed Sacrament before the people, saying three times : “Domine, non sum dignus, etc.” This means : “Lord, I am not worthy.” He is saying the same as he said before receiving Holy Communion himself. Why do the people strike their breast before Holy Communion when the priest says?”Domine, non sum dignus.” Why do they wish to show that they are not worthy to receive our Lord? Before Holy Communion the Confiteor is also said. Why do you think the Confiteor is said? To whom do we acknowledge our faults when we say the Confiteor? Whom do we ask to pray for us when we say the Confiteor?
How must your soul be when you receive our Lord in Holy Communion? What makes your soul pure and holy? What does God’s grace do for your soul? What makes your soul pleasing to God?
What is the only thing that can take God’s grace away from the soul? From what must our soul be free when we receive Holy Communion? Why must our soul be free from mortal sin when we go to Holy Communion? Why must our soul be pure and holy when we go to Holy Communion? Who comes to us in Holy Communion? What should anybody do before Holy Communion if he is in mortal sin? Why should he go to Confession? What Sacrament does he receive when he goes to Confession? What does the Sacrament of Penance do for his soul? Which Sacrament takes sin from the soul?
For what must he be sorry to have his sins taken away in the Sacrament of Penance? How many sins must he tell in Confession? What should he do if he has forgotten to tell a sin? What should he do the next time he goes to Confession? If anybody is going to Holy Communion and recalls a sin that he has forgotten to tell in Confession, he may still go to Holy Communion. But he should tell the forgotten sin the next time he goes to Confession. Now, if some-body tells you he forgot a sin, what would you tell him he can do? People who go to Holy Communion every day generally go to Confession once a week. They may never have any mortal sins, but they tell their venial sins. When is it necessary for anybody to go to Confession before Holy Communion? What kind of sin must he have on his soul before it is necessary to go to Confession ? How often do those who go to Holy Communion every day generally go to Confession?
How often is our Lord willing to come to you in Holy Communion ? Why is. He willing to come to you every day? Why does He love you so much ? What does our Lord bring you every time He comes to you in Holy Communion? How often does He give you more divine grace ? With what is your soul fed when you go to Holy Communion?
When your soul is free from mortal sin, you always receive divine grace in Holy Communion. When would any one not receive divine grace in Holy Communion? What would any one not receive in Holy Communion if he were in mortal sin? What sin would any one commit if he went to Holy Communion with mortal sin on his soul ? He would commit a sacrilege. He would have to tell this sin in Confession afterwards. What sin, then, would any one commit if he went to Holy Communion with a mortal sin on his soul ? From what must our soul be free when we go to Holy Communion? In what condition must our soul be when we receive the Holy Eucharist? What makes our soul holy and pure?
Why must you not eat or drink anything before going to Holy Communion? From what must you keep from the midnight before? Why do you fast from the midnight before Holy Communion? For whom are you showing respect when you fast before Holy Communion? What should anybody do if he forgets and eats or drinks some-thing before Holy Communion? Why should he wait for another day to go to Holy Communion? Why do you try to be neat and tidy when you go to Holy Communion? Who is coming to you in Holy Communion? Why are you careful to be very kind to others before Holy Communion? Why do you try to be as good as you can be before Holy Communion?
What do you do during Mass before Holy Communion? Why do you try to pray so well? For whom are you preparing your soul? Why do you like to think much about our Lord before Holy Communion? Why is the Holy Eucharist called the Sacrament of God’s love? Why does our Lord wish to come into your soul and body? How does that show His love for you? How do you prepare your soul to receive our divine Lord?
What does our Lord bring you in Holy Communion? What does God’s grace do for your soul? How often will our Lord bring you more of God’s grace? What will God’s grace do for you every time you receive more of it? What will make your soul still more holy and beautiful? How do you keep your eyes when you are going to Holy Communion? Why do you keep your eyes cast down? Of whom can you think better when you have your eyes cast down? How do you hold your hands when you are going to Holy Communion? Of what is it a sign when you keep your hands folded nicely? For whom are you showing respect? Why do you genuflect when you are going to Holy Communion? Whom are you adoring? Why do you genuflect as nicely as you can? Why do you not genuflect after Holy Communion? Where are you carrying the Blessed Sacrament after Holy Communion? When is the Blessed Sacrament in your body?
Why do you kneel while you are receiving Holy Communion? Whom are you adoring when you kneel there? Why do you keep your eyes cast down while the priest is giving Holy Communion? When the priest gives you Holy Communion, he takes the Sacred Host from the ciborium and makes the sign of the cross over you with it. At the same time he says : “May the body of our Lord, Jesus Christ, keep thy soul unto everlasting life. Amen.” You then extend the tongue a little to receive the Blessed Sacrament into your mouth. Why do you keep your hands away from your mouth? Who is the only person that is allowed to handle the Blessed Sacrament? After the priest has put the Blessed Sacrament into your mouth you quietly and gently swallow it. Then our divine Lord is really and truly within you.
Now, could you tell anybody what the priest does when he gives you Holy Communion ? How does he make the sign of the cross over you? What does he say while he is putting the Blessed Sacrament into your mouth? What do you do after the priest has put the Blessed Sacrament into your mouth? When do you swallow it? Why do you keep your eyes cast down and your hands folded when you are going back to your place? Why do you not genuflect going back? Where is the Blessed Sacrament then? What do you do after you return to your place? Why do you pray then? For what do you thank our Lord then? About how long does our Lord stay in you after Holy Communion? (About fifteen minutes.) At least how long should you remain in prayer after Holy Communion?
Where is our Lord for you after Holy Communion? Why is our Lord glad to be in you after Holy Communion? What does our Lord like to listen to while He is within you? How do you talk to our Lord while you have Him within you? What will our Lord do for you when He is in your body? What person of the Blessed Trinity is really and truly in your soul and body after Holy Communion? Where is our Lord’s body then? Under what form does God the Son come to you in Holy Communion?
How can you show your love for God the Son when He comes to you in Holy Communion? What does it show when you remain to pray after Holy Communion? What can you do for others after Holy Communion, to show your love for our Lord? Why does it show love for our Lord when you pray for others? How many of them does our Lord love? What can you do for sinners to show your love for our Lord? What can you do for the souls in purgatory to show your love for our Lord? What do you ask our Lord to do for you when you have Him after Holy Communion? What do you ask Him to do for your mother and father and your brothers and sisters? What do you ask Him to do for the Pope and for all bishops and priests? What do you ask Him to do for all the people in the world?
What will happen to your body when you die? When shall you have your body alive again ? When does our Lord come into your body? The Holy Eucharist prepares your body to rise again on the last day. It makes your body holy and pure so that it will be glorious when God raises it up at the end of the world. For what, now, does the Holy Eucharist prepare your body? What makes your body holy and pure? Whose children are we all? When did we become children of God? What new life did we receive in Baptism? When did we all become members of the Catholic Church? In what Sacrament do the members of the Catholic Church receive our Lord? What Sacrament unites us all in love? Why does the Holy Eucharist unite us all in love? Whom do we all receive in the Holy Eucharist?
Why are we all like one big family? Who is our Father? Why is the altar rail like the family table? What food for our soul do we all receive at the altar rail? How does the Holy Eucharist unite us all in love? Where do rich and poor and great and humble kneel together to receive our Lord? What united the Apostles in love? What united the saints and martyrs in love? What Sacrament unites us all in love?
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