Our Lord gave us the Sacrament of Extreme Unction to prepare us for death. It is intended for those alone who are in danger of death from sickness or injury. The Sacrament of Extreme Unction gives us grace to meet death with courage and strength.
Holy Orders is the Sacrament which gives a priesthood to the Church. In this holy Sacrament the sacred ministers are ordained. They receive power and grace to perform their sacred functions.
Matrimony is the Sacrament upon which the family is founded. Those who receive this great Sacrament become husband and wife. They receive grace to love each other and to raise up children to God. They are husband and wife until death.
Now, children, tell me about the Sacraments. Tell me what the Sacraments give us. What Sacraments have you received? What is divine grace for your soul? When did you receive this new life for your soul? Why are we said to be born again in Baptism? What did Baptism take away from your soul? What did Baptism give you ? What did God’s grace do for your soul ?
When did you become children of God? When did you become members of the Catholic Church?
When will you (did you) receive the Holy Ghost? Who will give (gave) you the Sacrament of Confirmation? What does the Sacrament of Confirmation do for our soul? What Sacrament makes us strong in faith? What Sacrament feeds our soul? What is the food of our soul in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? Under what form do we receive our Lord’s body and blood in Holy Communion? How do our Lord’s body and blood come under the form of bread and wine? When does the ‘priest change bread and wine into our Lord’s body and blood? Why does our Lord come to us in the Holy Eucharist?
What does the Sacrament, of Penance do for us? Who forgives our sins in the Sacrament of Penance? By whose power, does the priest for-give our sins in the Sacrament of Penance? What do we have to do to have our sins forgiven in the Sacrament of Penance? For what must we be sorry? What must we promise? Why is the Sacrament of Penance like medicine for our soul?
Why did our Lord give us the seven Sacraments ? Why do we need God’s grace? How many of us need God’s grace to get to heaven? When do we go to heaven ? What do people need for their souls when they are sick and about to die? Why do they need God’s grace very much when they are about to die? For what must they prepare when they are dangerously sick ? What Sacrament did our Lord give us to prepare us for death?
For what does Extreme Unction prepare us? When do people receive Extreme Unction ? What Sacrament do people receive when they are in danger of death from sickness or injury? What should you do if any one is dangerously sick ? Why should you call the priest? What Sacra-ment will the priest give the sick person? What should you do if any one is dangerously hurt in an accident ? Why should you call the priest ? What grace does the Sacrament of Extreme Unction give us? Why does it give us strength and courage? What does it sometimes do for the body? You can read about the Sacrament of Extreme Unction in the Epistle of St. James. (St. James 5, 14-15.) This is an Epistle of the New Testament.
What does the priest do when he gives us Extreme Unction ? With what does he anoint us ? What parts of our body does he anoint? What does he say when he anoints the eyes ; the ears ; the nostrils ; the lips; the hands ; the feet? How does anybody sin with his eyes ; his ears ; his nostrils ; his lips ; his hands ; his feet?
Now, when would you call the priest to a per-son who is sick or injured? Why would you call him? What Sacrament would he give the per-son? What other two Sacraments, besides Extreme Unction, would he give the person? What three Sacraments are called the Last Sacraments? Why does the priest give the ‘dying person the Sacrament of Penance? What is the Holy Eucharist called when given to the dying? Why is it called Holy Viaticum? For what journey is it the food? When can people receive the Holy Eucharist without fasting?
Why do you all kneel when the priest enters the house to give the Last Sacraments? What is he carrying to the sick person? When do you enter the sick room? When does the priest hear the sick person’s Confession? What Sacrament does the priest give the sick person after he hears his Confession? What do you do while the priest is giving the sick person Holy Communion? What prayers do you say while you are kneeling in the sick room? What Sacrament does the priest give last?
What do you prepare when the priest is coming to give the Last Sacraments? How do you prepare the sick person and the sick room? What do you put on the table in the sick room? What kind of cover do you put on it? Where do you put the blessed candle? When do you light it?
When the priest is about to arrive. Where do you put the crucifix? Where do you put a glass of water and a teaspoon? What prayers do you say when people are dying? Why do you all kneel and pray? For whom do you pray? Why do you ask God to have mercy on the sick person? What will happen as soon as the person dies? When will God judge him?
That is a Christian death when any one receives the Last Sacraments and dies with friends and dear ones praying about him. To whom do we pray for a happy death? Why do we pray to St. Joseph for a happy death? Who was with St. Joseph when he died? Now tell me your idea of a happy death. What kind of people have a happy death? For what are good people pre-paring all their life? Where are we going when we die? When are we going to our true home? When are we going to meet our Heavenly Father? When people are dying, the priest gives them the Last Sacraments. Finally he gives them the last blessing. This is a special blessing intended for the moment of death.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Who were the first priests of the Catholic Church? Who ordained the Apostles priests? What Sacrament did the Apostles receive when our Lord ordained them priests? When Christ ordained the Apostles priests, He gave them three great powers. He gave them power to preach the Gospel, power to give the Sacraments to the people, and power to offer the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. These are the three great powers of the priesthood.
How many of the Sacraments give grace? What Sacrament gives priests grace to do their sacred duties? What grace did the Apostles receive when Christ ordained then? For whom do priests preach the Gospel, give the people the Sacraments, and offer the Sacrifice of the Mass? Whose ministers are they? Who are ministers of Christ? In whose name do they work for the people?
Why was our Lord born into the world? From what did He come to save us ? Why did He wish to save us from hell? Who carries on the work of Christ in the world now? What does the priest do for our soul? Whose grace does he bring into our soul? How does he bring God’s grace into our soul? Who gives us the Sacraments? In whose name does the priest take care of our soul? What life does he wish to make strong in us? How does he make the life of grace strong in us?
When does the priest first give us the life of grace? Why are we said to be born again in Baptism? What does the priest do for those who fall into sin after Baptism? How does he heal their soul from sin? What is the medicine for the soul? What Sacrament does the priest give to take away sins from the soul? Why do we call the priest father? What does he do for us like a father? Of what life does he take care in us? How does he take care of the life of grace in us?
Why do we respect the priest so much? In whose name does he work for us? Whose power does he use when he gives us the Sacraments? Whose power does he use when he says Mass? Whose minister is he? Why do good men lift the hat when they meet a priest? Who holds the highest position on earth? Why does the priest hold the highest position on earth? In whose name does he do his sacred duties? Any boy who likes to learn and who loves God may study to become a priest. They may. begin when they are twelve or fourteen years old. Those who become priests study for many years so that they will be able to teach the people well. They must be ready to live for the good of the people. Then when they receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders God calls them to be priests. This is called the vocation to priesthood. So you see God is willing to call any one who will prepare himself well for the priesthood.
Who ordains priests ? What Sacrament do they receive when the bishop ordains them ? When does God call them to be priests ? Who calls them when the bishop ordains them ? Who can study to be a priest ? Those who become priests first receive minor orders. They become subdeacons and then deacons. Priests sometimes become bishops. To be a bishop is the highest order of the priesthood. Of course only priests can become bishops.
Now, what orders do those who are to become priests first receive ? What other two orders do they then receive before they become priests ? What is the highest order of the priesthood? Who is the only person that can become a bishop ? Priests will be priests forever. Nothing can ever change them into laymen after they become priests. No matter if they never act as priests they are always priests after they receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
To whom do priests give their whole lives? What men spend their lives for the good of the people? What men live for the good of their families? For whom do married men live? Why do priests not marry? For whom are they free to live when they have no family to live for? What Sacrament gives them the grace to live for the people alone? For whom do the priests work? What do they do for the people? What do they teach the people? What do they do for little babies? How do they feed the souls of they people ? What do they do for sinners? For whom do they offer the Sacrifice of the Mass every day? What do they do for sick people?
Who support the priest so that he can live? Why do the people support the priest? For whom is he giving his life? Why are good people glad to give to the priest? What Commandment of the Church tells us to give to support the priest? What does the Fifth Commandment of the Church tell us? Why do good people love’ the priest? What do they call the priest? How does the priest show his love for the people? To whom does the priest lead the people? Why does he lead them to God? Where is he helping them to go when they die? Why does he try to bring them all to heaven? How does he show his love for God? Whom will the people love if they listen to his teaching?
The Sacrament of Matrimony
What Sacrament did your father and mother receive when they were married? When do people receive the Sacrament of Matrimony? What Sacrament gave your father and mother grace to love each other? What Sacrament gave them grace to raise you to love God? What Sacrament made your father and mother husband and wife? What Sacrament did they receive so that they could become your father and mother? What Sacrament, then, gave you your father and mother?
When do people form a home? When did your father and mother form your home? What Sacrament did they receive so that they could form a home for you? What Sacrament, then, gave you your home? Why do people get married? What Sacrament do they receive so that they may become fathers and mothers ? Why did your father and mother get married? What did they have to do so that they could become your father and mother? What do people have to do to form a home ?
You know Catholics must be married before a priest to be really married. If Catholics went to somebody else to be married, they would not be really husband and wife. In what Sacrament are people really married? Why do they go to Confession before they receive the Sacrament of Matrimony? From what must they be free to receive the Sacrament of Matrimony ? What grace does the Sacrament of Matrimony give them? What other Sacrament do people receive when they are being married? Why do they receive Holy Communion? How do good people wish to begin their married life ?
Catholics are married at Mass. There is a special Mass for those who are being married. It is called the Nuptial Mass. There is a beautiful blessing in this Mass which the priest reads over the woman. He begs God to bless her and make her a good mother to her children. Who blesses the marriage when Catholics are married? In whose name does the priest bless the marriage ? Before whom must Catholics be married to be really married? How long will married people be husband and wife? They will be husband and wife until death. No power on earth can take away their marriage until one of them dies.
Why is marriage a holy state? In what Sacra-ment are people married? What does the Sacrament of Matrimony give them? What did the Sacrament of Matrimony do for you? How did you get your father and mother? What made it possible for you to have a home? What makes homes happy? What kind of home is it when all love one another? What made the home of the Holy Family happy ? What does it show when all the members of the family are kind to one another? When do they try to help one another? How do they speak to one another ?
Why do you pray for your father and mother and your sisters and brothers ? Why do you obey your parents and try to help them? What do you do for your brothers and sisters? With whom do you hope to be in heaven? How long will you be with your father and mother and your brothers and sisters in heaven?
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