Sacrament Of Penance

The Sacrament of Penance takes away our sins. Our Lord gave us the Sacrament of Penance. Mortal sin takes away God’s grace from the soul. The Sacrament of Penance restores God’s grace to the soul. The priest forgives our sins in the Sacrament of Penance by the power of Christ. We tell all our sins to the priest in Confession. To be for-given in the Sacrament of Penance we must be sorry for our sins and promise not to commit sin again.

Tell me once again, children, about God’s grace. What is God’s grace for our soul? When do we receive this new life for our soul? When were we born again? What did Baptism give us? What does God’s grace do for our soul? What can we do when we have God’s grace? What Sacrament makes our soul strong in God’s grace? Who gives us the Sacrament of Confirmation? Which person of the Blessed Trinity comes to us in Confirmation? Why does the Holy Ghost come to us?

What Sacrament feeds your soul? What is the food of our soul in the Holy Eucharist ? Under what form do we receive the body and blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist? How does our Lord come into the Holy Eucharist? Who changes bread and wine into our Lord’s body and blood? When does the priest change bread and wine into our Lord’s body and blood? When do we receive our Lord’s body and blood?

What sin did Baptism take away from your soul? When grown people are baptized, what sins does Baptism take away from their soul? What Sacrament takes away people’s sins after they have been baptized? What sins will the Sacrament of Penance take away from their soul?

How often can anybody be baptized? How often can we receive the Sacrament of Penance? What Sacrament should any one receive if he falls into sin after he has been baptized? What is the only thing that can take God’s grace away from the soul? What Sacrament gives back God’s grace to the soul? What does the Sacrament of Penance give back to the soul?

When does any one lose the life of grace? What does mortal sin take away from the soul? What is like the death of the soul? Why is mortal sin like the death of the soul? What life does it take from the soul? What Sacrament gives back the life of grace to the soul? How does the Sacrament of Penance give back the life of grace to the soul? What does it take from the soul? What should any one do when he loses the life of grace? Why should he receive the Sacrament of Penance? What will the Sacrament of Penance do for him? What will it give to his soul? What will it take from his soul ?

What do venial sins do to the soul? Whom do venial sins displease ? What kind of sins make us love God less? What sins are like sickness in the soul? What Sacrament takes away venial sins from our soul? How many sins does the Sacra-ment of Penance take from our soul ? Why is the Sacrament of Penance like medicine for our soul? From what does the Sacrament of Penance heal our soul ? What is like sickness in our soul ? How can we heal our soul when it is sick in sin? What medicine did God give us for our soul? You know God gives us medicines for our body. When we are sick, we take these medicines to cure us. The Sacrament of Penance does the same for our soul. When our soul is sick in sin, the Sacrament of Penance cures us. But it is a wonderful medicine because it can give back the life of grace to the soul. Why now do we call the Sacrament of Penance the medicine of our soul? What life does the Sacrament of Penance cure in our soul? When does any one lose the life of grace? What gives back this life to him?

Who gives us the Sacrament of Penance ? What does the priest take from the soul in the Sacra-ment of Penance? How many sins does the priest take from the soul in the Sacrament of Penance? Who were the first priests that ever took away sins in the Sacrament of Penance? Who gave the Apostles power to take away sins? Why did our Lord give the Apostles power to take away people’s sins ? What were the Apostles in the Catholic Church? Who were the first priests of the Catholic Church? Who gives the priest power to forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance? How many sins can the priest forgive in the Sacrament of Penance? By whose power does the priest forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance? By whose power did the Apostles for-give sins? By whose power did our Lord forgive sins?

You can read in the Gospels how our Lord for-gave sins. He forgave Mary Magdalen’s sins. (St. Luke 7, 48.) He forgave the paralytic his sins (St. Matt. 9, 2), and many others. This is the power our Lord gives to the priest.

What sin did the priest take from your soul when he baptized you? Who gave the priest power to take away original sin from your soul? What sins does the priest take away from grown people when he baptizes them? In what other Sacrament does the priest forgive sins ? What did the priest say when he baptized you? In whose name did he baptize you? What does the priest say when he forgives your sins in the Sacrament of Penance? He says : “I forgive thee thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” In whose name, then, does the priest forgive sins in the Sacrament of Penance? When do we receive the Sacrament of Penance? What do we tell in Confession? What kind of sins are we bound to tell in Confession? To whom do we tell our sins in Confession ? For whom is the priest forgiving our sins in Confession ?

When is our Confession good? What kind of Confession do we make when we tell all our mortal sins? When does anybody make a bad Confession? What kind of Confession does anybody make when he hides a mortal sin in Confession? What kind of sin would it be, to hide a mortal sin in Confession? Now, tell me, when would any one commit a sacrilege in Confession? What kind of Confession would he make if he kept back a mortal sin in Confession ? Why would it be better not to go to Confession than to make a bad Confession? Why can the priest not forgive any one that makes a bad Confession? What must we do so that the priest can forgive our sins? How many sins has anybody still on his soul after he makes a bad Confession? What extra sin has he then? When did he commit the sin of sacrilege? H anybody makes a bad Confession, why must he tell all his sins again in his next Confession? Why were his sins not forgiven? What sin did he commit when he lied in Confession?

For what must we be sorry when we go to Confession ? For how many of our sins must we be sorry? What prayer do we say in Confession to show that we are sorry for our sins? When do we say the Act of Contrition in Confession? What is God to us? Whose children are we all? What does God do for us to show that He loves us? Why does God want us to go to heaven? Whom does any one disobey when he commits sin?

Why are we sorry for our sins? How many of us, does God love? Why do you love God so much? Against whom do people turn when they commit a mortal sin? Whom do they love less when they commit venial sin? Why do we say in the Act of Contrition? — “0 my God, I am sorry for all my sins.” Why do we say to God? — “because thou art all good and deserving of all love.” Why do we say? — “because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell.” What is the only thing that can make people lose heaven? What kind of sin makes people lose heaven? What is the only thing that can send people to hell?

What do we promise in Confession? Why do we promise never to commit sin any more? Why do we wish never to commit sin any more? How does that show that we are sorry for our sins? What do we mean when we say?—”I firmly resolve, by the help of Thy grace, to do all that I can to atone for my sins.” How do we atone for our sins? Yes; we atone for our sins by doing penance.

Why does the priest give us a penance after Confession? Why do we do penance? For what are people sorry when they do penance? What kind of penance does the priest generally give us? What are the prayers and the good works which the priest tells us to do? Why are we bound to do the penance which the priest gives us? Why are you always glad to do it? What does it show when we do our penance well? How does that show that we are sorry for our sins? Why do you try to do your penance soon after Confession? When might any one forget to do his penance? If any one fails to do his penance, when must he tell it? What must he tell the priest in his next Confession? Why do many good people do penance all their life? Who is pleased when we do penance ?

How often can you go to Confession? Why do many good people go to Confession every week? What Sacrament helps people keep from sin? Yes ; the Sacrament of Penance gives us grace to avoid sin. If we have no sins, we go to Confession to gain this grace. For the Sacrament of Penance always gives grace.

What do people tell in Confession if they have committed no sins ? They tell some sin that they have already told in Confession. Even though the sin has been long since forgiven they can tell it over in Confession: We must tell at least some venial sin so as to receive the Sacrament of Penance. Now, how can people receive the Sacrament of Penance if they have committed no sin? What sin can they tell over again? For what must they be sorry? To receive the Sacra-ment of Penance we must always have sorrow for sin or contrition. We must have contrition even though we merely tell a sin Of our past life that has been forgiven.

What must anybody do that has forgotten to tell a mortal sin in Confession? When should he tell it ? What kind of Confession has he made if he has merely forgotten to tell a sin? Why is his Confession good? How many sins did he try to tell? Why must we tell the number of times we have committed a sin? How many sins must we tell in Confession? What kind of sins must we tell in Confession? What kind of sins is it good also to tell in Confession? What will help us keep from venial sin? How many sins are forgiven in Confession? When are venial sins that are told forgiven? How many sins are forgiven when all the mortal sins are forgiven? Of course, it is impossible sometimes to tell all venial sins. But even if venial sins are not told in Confession, they are forgiven.

If anybody is in mortal sin, what will the Sacra-ment of Penance do for his soul? What will he receive? What does mortal sin take away from his soul? Why is his soul said to be dead? What life has he lost? How can anybody regain the life of grace? Why is the Sacrament of Penance like medicine for our. soul? From what does it cure our soul? What grace does it give us when we have committed no sins? What does it help us avoid? Why do many good people go so often to Confession?

Indulgences. You know, children, after our sins are forgiven we must do penance for them. In the beginning the priests used to give very long penances. Sometimes it would take many years to do these penances, Now, what must we do after our sins are forgiven? For what must we do penance? What kind of penances did the priests used to give in the beginning? How long would it sometimes take the people to do these penances?

Of course, the saints did penance all their lives. Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin did penance all their lives. But indeed they never had any sins. So all their good works count for us. They left those good works to the Catholic Church. Now, where are the good works of our Lord and the Blessed Virgil’? To what Church did they leave them? Why did our Lord and the Blessed Virgin not need to do penance? Who did more penance than they needed? How long did the saints do penance? For whom did our Lord and the Blessed Virgin and the saints leave their good works in the Church?

Yes ; they left their good Works in the Catholic Church for us. Our Holy Father, the Pope, gives us some of those good works whenever he will. When the Holy Father gives us some of those good works, they are like penance for our sins. Now, for whom did our Lord and the Blessed Virgin and the saints leave their good works in the Church? Who can give us some of those good works? What are those good works like when the Pope gives us some of them? Whose works can the Pope give us to be like penance for our sins ?

When the Pope gives us some of those good works, he is granting us an indulgence. If the Pope grants us an indulgence of one hundred days he gives us enough of these good works for one hundred days’ penance. Of course he does not give us the good works ; he gives us the merit of them. Now, what does the Pope give us when he grants us an indulgence? What kind of indulgence is equal to one hundred days’ penance ? What kind of indulgence is equal to three hundred days’ penance? To what is an indulgence of seven years equal?

An indulgence of one hundred days, three hundred days, seven years, and the like is equal to part of the penance we should do. So it is called a partial indulgence. When an indulgence is equal to all the penance we should do, it is called a plenary indulgence.

Now, to what is a partial indulgence equal?

Why is an indulgence of one hundred days called a partial indulgence? What kind of indulgence is an indulgence of seven years? To what is a plenary indulgence equal? What kind of indulgence is equal to all the penance that we should do ? We can gain many indulgences for the souls in purgatory. Indulgences are a great favor of God to us. God gave all those good works of our Lord and the Blessed Virgin and the saints to the Catholic Church for us. This shows again how great is God’s love for us. The Pope grants indulgences for certain prayers and good works. We should try to gain all the indulgences we can. For you know those who do not do enough penance for their sins go to purgatory.

Now tell me about indulgences. Whose good works are left to the Church? Who grants indulgences? To what is a partial indulgence equal? To what is a plenary indulgence equal?






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