Category: Religion
IN that section of its course where the Hudson is used as a source of power, one frequently sees the force of the stream transmuted into an electric current, to furnish light for towns and villages. Men of practically all faiths have found illumination in their contact with God. The pages of the Bible are […]
Christ Founded The Catholic Church
Forty days after our Lord rose from the dead, He ascended into heaven. Ten days later He sent the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles. Christ founded the Catholic Church to teach all the nations of the world. The Holy Ghost will stay with the Catholic Church until the end of the world to guard it […]
The Catholic Church
Christ made the Apostles the first priests and bishops of His Church. He Himself taught them the Gospels and the Christian life. He gave them His own divine power so that they could bring His grace to the people. Christ Himself is the head of the Catholic Church. But the Pope rules the Church for […]
Divine Grace
God is the author of life ; all life comes from Him. By our natural life we can live for this world alone. But God gives a new life to our soul by which we can gain heaven. It is the life of divine grace. By grace we can love God and thus save our […]
The Sacrament Of Baptism
Baptism is the Sacrament which takes away original sin from our soul. In adults Baptism also takes away any sins they may have committed. We cannot receive any other Sacrament until we have been baptized. In Baptism we are said to be born again because thereby we receive the life of grace. By Baptism we […]
The Sacrament Of Confirmation
Confirmation is the Sacrament in which we receive the Holy Ghost. In the Sacrament of Confirmation the Holy Ghost brings us many gifts. By this holy Sacrament we become strong and courageous Christians. The bishop gives Confirmation. When he gives this Sacrament he anoints the forehead with holy chrism and prays that the Holy Ghost […]
The Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of God’s love. In this holy Sacrament Christ gives us His own body and blood to be the nurture of our soul. It is the Sacrament which feeds and nourishes the life of divine grace in our soul. Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper when He […]
Sacrifice Of The Mass
The Mass is the same sacrifice as the Sacrifice of the Cross. On the cross Christ offered Himself in the form of a man; in the Mass He offers Himself in the form of bread and wine. The act of consecration is the essence of the Mass. At the Consecration of the Mass the priest […]
The Real Presence
Our Lord is present in the Holy Eucharist both as God and as man. There His Godhead, His soul, and His body are present. He lives in the Blessed Sacrament out of love for us. Hence God the Son, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, really and truly dwells upon our altars under the […]
God And Sin
Sin is disobedience to God. Any thought, word, or deed contrary to God’s law is sin. Those who commit mortal sin turn away from God ; they lose God’s grace. Those who die in mortal sin go to hell, where they will be separated from God forever. God is always willing to forgive repentant sinners. […]